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How to join Broadstone Cricket  Club Juniors and Girls

How to join Broadstone Cricket Club Juniors and Girls

Keith Brewer27 Mar 2024 - 12:00

How to join

We welcome anyone who would like to join the Club. There are online membership forms at the following links;

All Stars 5-8 Years:
Dynamos 8-11 Years:

Youth Teams training and match days

Broadstone Cricket Club Junior section 2024

Youth subscriptions are set at £50 for girls and £75 for boys, this includes all training session and youth matches, and can be paid online.
Any new player can try out training free for two weeks.
Alternatively, the cost of each training session is £5 and competition fees are £4, which are payable via the shop (tickets section) on the club website.
A membership form will be available at training nights and also online.

It is important that our players look smart as a team so please encourage all players to wear a Broadstone Club Shirt, and these can be purchased from the club on-line store.

Training will be as follows at the Delph week commencing 12th April:

Hardball/Softball Women’s 6.30pm to 8pm Rob Newton

U10-U11 5.00pm to 6.15pm Sarah Matthews, Megan Bishop
U16-U19 Colts from 6.30pm to 8pm
Seniors from 6.30pm to 8pm

Girls Under 11 to 18 6pm to 7.30pm Rob Newton, Sarah Matthews

Disability 5pm to 6pm Rob Newton, Josh Courtenay
U12 to U15 Hardball 6.15pm to 7.45pm Mark Furber, Robin Wallis, Gavin Dalrymple

All Stars 5pm to 6pm (Starting 10th May)
Dynamos 6.15pm to 7.15pm (Starting 10th May)

Youth Matches for 2024 will be played at the Charborough Rd Ground on the following days and times:-
U10 Hardball - Friday, 6pm (1 team) STRIKERS
U13 Hardball - Monday, 6pm (2 teams) THUNDER & BRAVES
U15 - Tuesday, 6.00pm (3 team) TITANS, WARRIORS & VIPERS
U19 – Thursday, 6.00pm (1team) LIGHTNING
Girls U11, U13, U15 – Thursday, 6.00pm

Please contact our Youth Co-Ordinator for further information.

Gavin Dalrymple

Further reading